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Preparing Your Preschooler for Daylight Saving Time

Wright's Preschooler Daylight Saving Time

As preschool play experts at Wright’s, we're committed to equipping parents with the knowledge and tools they need to support their child's development! As daylight savings approaches, many parents anticipate the challenges of adjusting their little one's routine. At Wright’s, we understand the importance of a seamless transition for both parents and children. We want our Sweet Peas & Lil Ninja students to be well-rested and ready for class!

In this guide, we'll share expert advice and practical strategies to help your preschooler not just survive but thrive during the daylight saving time change.

As daylight saving time approaches on March 10th this year, many parents brace themselves for the inevitable struggles their children may face with the time change. Even though it's just a one-hour shift, this seemingly minor adjustment can wreak havoc on a child's routine and sleep patterns! From the sudden change in schedule to the loss of precious sleep, the challenges pile up. For children who thrive on consistency and predictability, adapting to the new time can be particularly challenging.

One of the primary struggles children encounter is the disruption to their daily routine. Suddenly, what was once familiar and predictable becomes uncertain and disorienting. Adjusting to a new schedule, even if it's just an hour difference, can throw off their internal clock and leave them feeling out of sorts. Additionally, losing an hour of sleep can significantly impact their mood, behavior, and overall well-being. It's no wonder that experts suggest it can take up to two weeks for the body to fully adjust to the time change!

To aid with these struggles, maintaining a consistent daily routine becomes incredibly important. Establishing a solid morning and bedtime routine can help anchor children amidst the chaos of the time change. For those who are more sensitive to disruptions in their sleep patterns, adjusting their entire daily schedule 1-2 weeks ahead of time can be beneficial. By gradually shifting bedtime earlier by 15 minutes each night, or every other night if adjusting over a week, children can ease into the new schedule without feeling overwhelmed.

8 pm current bedtime

7:45 New bedtime on Wednesday

7:30 pm Thursday

7:15 pm Friday

7 ⏩ 8 pm!!! Saturday to Sunday!

Consistency is key throughout this adjustment period. Whether it's waking up or going to bed, maintaining the same routine each day helps reinforce their body's internal clock. Additionally, getting children outside during the morning and evening can help regulate their circadian rhythm and promote better sleep. Sunlight plays a crucial role in signaling the body's internal clock. (here are 10 ways to get it) Exposure to sunlight in the morning tells the brain to produce more cortisol, helping children feel awake and alert. Conversely, as the sun begins its descent, going outside signals to the brain that it's getting darker, prompting the production of melatonin to induce sleepiness. By proactively addressing the challenges of the time change and implementing these strategies, parents can help their children navigate this transition with minimal disruption. Remember, give yourself grace during this time of adjustment—it's hard on everyone!

At Wright’s, we are parents, too! We understand the significance of a smooth transition for preschoolers during daylight saving time and wish you the best of luck! 

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